
HiP HoP HaLLoWeeN EdiTiON!!!!


Its time for everyone's FAVORITE day of the WEEK!!


As Always.. Angela has


that she is releasing today!

AND.. specials and deals that you won't want to miss out on.. check out the UNITY BLOG for all the details!!

I got to play with the cutest new stamps...

all Halloween.. and all ADORABLE!!

Lucky Me!!!

TiS NeAr HaLLoWeeN...

Single by artist Lynn Warner

for Unity Stamp Co.

UnLucKy 13...

by artist Lynn Warner for Unity Stamp Co.

EdWaRd vs JaCoB

from the kit the 'Boo' Crew by Adrianna Bennet



whichever you are rooting for... there's a stamp for you!

I hope you noticed my FUNKADELIC new BLOG design..
and I need to give credit where credit is due...
VERONICA over at VK DESIGN CO. did my make over
and girls.. she is a DREAM to work with.
This chick is amazingly talented and so sweet.
She took all the crazy ideas I came up with
and put them together to make the perfect retro feel
that I wanted for my blog.
If you are considering a do-over for your blog..
Veronica is the chick for the job!!

Head on over and check out the
and see what she came up with for your viewing pleasure!!


arlsmom aka Lynda said...

Cute new blog design...great projects!! Hip Hop!

Kerry said...

Love your new blog and the Halloween cards too! Super cute!

Jenn said...

loving the cute cards and your owl blog design!

Ashley Newell said...

Love the new blog design! So you! And your Halloween cards are super cute!

Anonymous said...

Great cards! Love the music -- now if only I can get Michael Jackson out of my head!

Ramsey said...

oh, Brookie! I love the Edward vs. Jacob card. I love your new blog too!

Patter Cross said...

Awesome cards girl! And perfect music once again! :)

Theresa Momber said...

Fabulous projects, Brooke! I love the new look. I am thinking about a makeover for my blog, too. I just may take the plunge after seeing yours.

Tamara said...

I *LOVE* Halloween, and all of your cards are FANTASTIC!!

Tiff said...

Your cards are adorable!

Christi said...

Geez, girl you have talent...these are all GORGEOUS! I cannot wait to get these stamps! smiles...

Maria said...

These are fab!!! Great job!


Molly Joly said...

Love your new blog design - and your cards are awesome!

Anonymous said...

The Halloween cards are fantastic!! Love the "Thriller"

Amber said...

Great cards and I LOVE the new blog design!

Sherry Campbell said...

Your cards and your new blog makeover are AWESOME!!

Vicki G said...

Love love love your spooky designs and your blog rocks!

Gretchen said...

Love these new Halloweenie stamps! So cute!

Kristen Carll said...

Love your gorgeous heat embossing on that first card! I am on team Edward by the way, even though Jacob got something good out of the deal in the end right! ;) HIP HOP! Thanks for sharing your cards girly!

Linsey R said...

OH, looky looky what Brookie made!!! These are absolutely spooktacular, girlfriend! I adore the embossing and all the amazing detailing, bling and all that great stuff! Really wonderful work, as always, and totally inspiring! Gotta get me all these super fun halloween stamps today! tFS and have a hip hoppin day! hugs!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Love the embossing of the words on your card!

Stampin Cats said...

Love the enbossed halloween card. Hip Hop

The Sonboul's said...

OH MY WORD... I LOOOOOVE ALL THE NEW CHANGES YOU'VE MADE TO THE BLOG!!!! THIS IS SOOOOOOO ADORABLE! I love that back ground. If I could make it wall paper in my scrap room, I would in a second!

AND about the projects ... I love how you used the new stamps. I soooo love that heat embossed word frame! all so very cute! love them ;)

Robyn Weatherspoon said...

First off, your blog is da bomb!!! LOVE it! And secondly, you rocked the heck out of these stamps! I so need them all now! Hip Hop!

DeeDee said...

Oh I love Halloween and these are ALL GREAT!!! Cute blog look and I love your music too!!!

Mandy said...

Wow, Brooke! Great cards, great new blog look, everything is just WOW! And I LOVE the Twilight reference stamps!! :) Edward all the way, baby!!

Nevis said...

love your cards!

Susan Says (Stupid Stuff) said...

Oh, I hadn't seen that first stamp before, it's fab, and your cards are all fantastic!
Susan :)

Jessica said...

love your projects for this week Brooke! and I'm totally lovin' your new blog! It's super adorable. Love the owl and blinking messages. Totally cute!!!

Tanis said...

Super creations, as usual :)
LOVE the new sets!!!
Even the Edward and Jacob stamps...(I really have NO CLUE who they are cause I haven't read the books!!)
Super duper fun!

Kelly Braund said...

Too cute girl! I just ordered some bling because of you! :)
Love the thriller by the way!

Brenda said...

Love your projects and your new look. The music is awesome!!!!

Michelle said...

Hi Brooke... WOW... love your cards, great job. The new halloween stamps are awesome.

Kim said...

Hip Hop, where are ya girl??? Super cards and I love the candid photos in Wednesdays post!! Could those kids get any cuter??

Jess said...

love the embossing ion #1, and the twilight card is FAB!!!

Sawyer's Mommy said...

I just love these Halloween stamps!

Jackie said...

OMG! I love all of todays creations...now which set should I get myself, they are all so tempting, but then to see what can be made out of them....I am such a sucker!

Ryann said...

Fabulous cards Brooke! Love the theme music too. Hip Hop!

Carole Bryson said...

Love the new blog Brooke ! Fantastic inspiration - love those cards .. hell girl - I just love ya !

Anonymous said...

Hey Brookie! Great cards today. I loveee your blog colors by the way.

Anonymous said...

Love what you did with the cards.
Thanks for sharing.

Kathy H said...

I love the look of your new blog!!! Hip HOp!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your Twilight card!

Brooke said...


Scrapycandy said...

This music is amazing..what a great mood maker for your cards!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous and fun creations Brooke!
You are so the bomb-diggity:)

Ravengirl said...

Fun fun cards today! I love the new look of your blog!

Rachel Hope said...

OOOO, Cool Halloween Cards!!!!!


Jennifer Buck said...

LOVE your new blog, Girlie! It's ADORABLE! ...as are your projects! To cute! LOVE them all! Hope you are having a great day! :)

Purple Princess said...

Awesome creations! Hip Hop!!

Unknown said...

Wonderful cards! Love that first one! :)

Tiffmc said...

Absolutely love the blog Brooke, fabulous! And thanks for giving us the teaser last night for the new wonderful stamps just released today.

Jessy said...

Love the new Blog Brooke!! Sooooo cool. Love your cards for today, simply adorable, all of them!! :)

Heather said...

I dont really like Halloween much but you are changing my mind with these cards!! You are my HERO!! BTW your BLOG is the cutest ever and you are making me want to change back to Blogger so I can get mine done!!